What Can the World Do?

    In a wider context, we feel that there are many things that people as a whole can do to stop sweatshops.   One such action would be for the Human Rights Council of the United Nations or another international organization to hold talks specifically about sweatshops and issues directly concerning them.  This would allow world leaders and politicians to come together to discuss what possible paths could be followed to eventually eliminate sweatshops as a presence in society. 
    Another possibility is to have peaceful protests to bring this issue to the attention of the leadership of Washington, D.C. and other capitals throughout the world.  Protests, of course, should not be violent to detract from the issue at hand. A protest that simply focuses on distributing knowledge about the topic, in this case sweatshops, can be beneficial in raising awareness. While in Washington, people can lobby to pass legislation that is beneficial to the cause of getting rid of sweatshops and bettering the working conditions of laborers.  

    In today's world, technology can also be used to help the issue of sweatshops. Through various technologies such as the internet, people all over the world can connect with each other. Social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter, as well as email can be used to quickly communicate with people. For example, protestors in Egypt used various social networking sties to arrange meeting places and times for protests. This allowed protests to grow from just a couple hundred people to hundreds of thousands of people all over Egypt, therefore, successfully enabling the protestors to overthrow their president. Their successful protests inspired other countries to protest their leaders, such as Libya. Similarly, social networking can be used to unite individuals who are interested in solving the problem of sweatshops. What may start as a small local group fighting sweatshop groups, could potentially grow into a global movement to solve the problems posed by sweatshops. Technology is an extremely valuable tool that can easily be used to help solve a major world issue. 

 Ultimately, however, it is acknowledged that drastic measures such as eliminating sweatshops all together are not viable options as it would create mass unemployment and even greater poverty.  However, taking small steps to gradually improve these conditions will hopefully lead to better lives for many people in the future.